In HUMANS ARE STRANGERS we give a sarcastic and exaggerated view on the power structures built from humans related to nature.

The idea is dragged into the concret picture of the wild and free wolve in each of us. Domesticated and stylized, we give nature just as much freedom as we can cope with. What if we turn it around? Is it possible to escape from our human conditions?

Premiere: March 15th 2018 // 22th International Solo-Dance-Theater Festival Stuttgart 2018

Duration of the solo: ca. 10 minutes


Performance und Creation: Steven Chotard
Artictic Direction: Nicki Liszta



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WAVES PALÄSTE DER ANGST, with live-audio description

backsteinhaus produktion takes a deep dive into media language imagery

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SHOW DOWN is a solo for a human prototype, it is renegotiated for each performance who from the ensemble will invite to this ancestral walk.