WAVES PALÄSTE DER ANGST, with live-audio description

backsteinhaus produktion takes a deep dive into media language imagery
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…It could be post flood, pipe burst, high water or just a blast. It may come again, but there is no certainty….

Media language images often rush over our heads like giant waves and sweep everything else aside like a flood.

What remains is a state of vulnerability, a seemingly empty space and the question of how we organise ourselves? Repair? Reorganise? Anticipate the next crisis?

With the dance performance WAVES, backsteinhaus produktion immerses itself in the making of fear, listens, listens for these nuances of vulnerability, allies itself with them. Searches for a new strength and opens up an echo chamber of fears and their protective mechanisms.

The performers will speak in English during the performance, a translation into German will be available on site.



Dezember 24
Fr 13.12.
20:00 o'clock, Premiere
Theater Rampe, Stuttgart
Sa 14.12.
20:00 o'clock
Theater Rampe, Stuttgart
So 15.12.
16:00 o'clock
Theater Rampe, Stuttgart


In Cooperation with Theater Rampe. Supported by Stadt Stuttgart, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden Württemberg and Landesverband Freier Theater Baden Württemberg, Landis & Gyr Stiftung.

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