The Companions

More dates


Februar 23
Sa 18.2.
14:00 o'clock
Probenraum Kunstverein Wagenhallen e.V., Stuttgart
So 19.2.
11:00 o'clock
Probenraum Kunstverein Wagenhallen e.V., Stuttgart
Sa 25.2.
16:00 o'clock
unser Proberaum, Kunstverein Wagenhalle e.V.
So 26.2.
11:00 o'clock
Probenraum Kunstverein Wagenhallen e.V., Stuttgart
März 23
Sa 11.3.
14:00 o'clock
Probenraum Kunstverein Wagenhallen e.V., Stuttgart
So 12.3.
11:00 o'clock
Probenraum Kunstverein Wagenhallen e.V., Stuttgart


We want to exchange ideas with very different people and thus get moving – not only physically, but also mentally. The aim is not to teach contemporary dance. We rather want to connect with different people from Stuttgart and explore i.e. what the everyday life of Stuttgart’s urban society has to do with contemporary dance? What do they have in common?


Interested in becoming a companion? Please contact ed.noitkudorpsuahnietskcab@aniluap